B&J Podcast Ep. 5: It’s 1994!

Jimmy and Brendan

Since it’s been 20 years since one of the best years for music, we do our little tribute to it. The music featured are Unwound’s “All Soul’s Day”, Jawbox’s “Cooling Card”, Hole’s “Rock Star” and Pavement’s “Cut Your Hair”.

The podcast is brought to you by sazerac, although it is not to blame for my utter lack of ability to string words together. We talk about:

* Music in 1994
* Mogwai live
* Couples making out in concerts
* P-22 and my ignorance of what to do if confronted with a mountain lion
* Donald Rumsfeld and Errol Morris
* Why we don’t really like President Obama
* Sex
* Fuck the AIDS Healthcare Foundation
* Yasiel Puig
* Bill Plaschke

I suppose it would be professional of me to either re-record this podcast or do some major editing in “post”. I guess I could have stricken a couple of “You know”s or dubbed Marvin Miller’s name where I forgot (yet I remembered Curt Flood’s name).

It’s still an entertaining podcast that actually had me cracking up as I was doing my weekly Sunday cleaning. Brendan clearly carried this podcast. I’ll do better next time.

So, warts and all, here is the new podcast!

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